Sunday, 13 November 2016

Tips to Crack Civil Services Main Exam

IAS exam is undoubtedly one of the most difficult exams of all times in India. Being one of the most prestigious employment option, lakhs of candidates write the exam every year from India and Indians staying in other countries. Many candidates are lured by the attractive package and benefits the job offers along with power to carry out social improvements plans. Since it is a highly respected profession, the exam is also very competitive in nature. If you preparing for the exam, here are few tips for you:

  • Study as per a timetable - Without having a strict timetable preparation is not going to progress very far. Always prepare a timetable and strictly follow no matter what, when you dedicate yourself to a goal you stand a greater chances of cracking the Civil Service Exam. Plan topic or subjectwise which you find difficult but critical for the exam. There would be certain topics that would hold greater importance than the rest, select those topics and prepare well.

Civil Services Examination
Civil Services Examination

  • Right reading materials - Don’t confuse yourself with different books for reading the same topic. Study only selected and quality books that will help you cover topics clearly without eating up much of your time. Many a times, students spend so much time in trying to read different books for a single topic and wasting their time in the process.

  • Subject knowledge - Having a good grasp over a topic or subject is very important, as answers are essay type and you cannot fill the paper with information, you need to back up your answer with facts and ideas that you clearly show your decision making and thought patterns. Again, not each and every topic would be of high importance, so be selective and study in-depth about the topic so that you can answer well.

  • Writing skills - Since writing the UPSC Main exam means writing long informative answers so writing in a good language is important. You need to focus on style, flow of thoughts, structure, grammar, spellings, and more while writing an answer. Mere filling up the pages with information or facts are not going to help you much. Rather develop a style of writing or understand how to put your answer will help you score better in the exam.

  • Solve sample or old question papers - Preparing based on old question patterns will help you get ready for the exam well. There are no objective type of questions, so what you need to work on will be garnering a lot of facts, information and based on those you need to form your own ideas and take on a topic or problem. Since IAS exam is all about improving life of common man in India, you will basically need more of understanding the core of problems and how to solve them.

  • Pay required attention to compulsory subjects - Sometimes candidates fail to clear the compulsory papers wherein the level of difficulty is of 10th Standard. So pay attention, to these subjects and secure at least passing marks to be able to crack the exam. A good percentage of the students have problem with clearing the Indian language paper and few other struggle with English paper. Please do pay necessary attention as required.